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LOFTER GROUP樂風集團, To Shape Values

LOFTER GROUP's young and professional architecture team injects creativity into their newly developed projects:

Creative way for Architecture:

The reason most commercial designs are rectangular, or square, is because they are easier, faster and more economical to build out of ordinary materials – stone, concrete, brick or wood. Square and rectangular shapes are also exponentially easier to reconcile, and there’s usually less waste. Altered shapes not only utilize more materials and assets but are more expensive to construct and maintain.

90 degrees angles are very strong structurally, psychologically and spatially. Vertical stacks and vents align better. Roof planes become easier to design. Air circulation and temperature regulation are better controlled. Even electrical lines and water pipes are easier to incorporate.


What is the strongest geometric shape?  There are several shapes that are used when strength is important. The arc (think: circle) is the strongest structural shape, and in nature, the sphere is the strongest 3-d shape. The reason being is that stress is distributed equally along the arc instead of concentrating at any one point. Storage silos, storage tanks, diving helmets, space helmets, gas tanks, bubbles, planets, etc. use cylinder or sphere shapes -- or both. THE CIRCLE The triangle is the strongest to as it holds it shape and has a base which is very strong a also has a strong support. The triangle is common in all sorts of building supports and trusses. It is strong because the three legs of a triangle define one and only one triangle. If all three sides are made of rigid material, the angles are fixed and cannot get larger or smaller without breaking at the joints, unlike a rectangle, for example, which can turn into a parallelogram and even collapse totally.

Passion of SHAPE

We are fundamentally passionate about creating unique, inviting and functional spaces for end-users through design that reflect the identity, structure and patterns of one’s specific place.

SHAPE Architecture is an award-winning architectural practice of architects and designers located in the heart of Vancouver, British Columbia. The firm was founded on the belief that our work as architects is central to building an engaging, humane and sustainable future.

Great people, big ideas

Exceptional projects result from great people working together.

With our international team, we love bringing our diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives into the design process. We advocate an open and collaborative environment because every voice matters. The pursuit of excellence is the essence of our studio culture as we focus on enriching our communities through the architectural expression of public institutions, housing and larger scale urban mixed-use projects.

Shapes of Architecture - Pyramid

The pyramid has been used since ancient Egyptian and Mesoamerican times, however, in modern times it makes for a unique build – just think of I.M. Pei’s addition to the Louvre in Paris.

The American equivalent is the Memphis Pyramid or the Great American Pyramid. Built in the United States in the late 20th century, it stands out in an urban environment. The structure, now owned by Bass Pro Shops, has a glass façade that makes it look almost futuristic.

The discipline of architecture is currently undergoing a significant change as professional practice and academia seem to be transforming one another specifically through succinct research undertakings. This book continues the discussion started in The Changing Shape of Practice – Integrating Research and Design in Architecture on architectural offices’ modes of research and lines of inquiry in architecture and how it reshapes practice. The book aims to contribute to the mapping and discussion on research in architectural practice and its transformational impact and gives input to the discussions on where the architectural profession is heading.



樂風集團梁智基 繼續招搖撞騙

曾任職LOFTER GROUP樂風集團市場部的梁智基先生, 於2019年被發現違反誠信守則,即時被終止職權並被辭退,梁先生及後營運之業務亦被合作伙伴發現不實陳述,其品格可見一班,至今仍用老舊技倆,於網絡上製造為集團之高層或創辦人,魚目混珠,混淆視聽,讀者請多加留意並謹慎考慮...

日本自由行套票優惠 比自己買平宜



這不禁令我深思梁智基奏樂風格集團,到底應該如何實現。 一般來講,我們都必須務必慎重的考慮考慮。 那麼, 一般來講,我們都必須務必慎重的考慮考慮。 我們一般認為,抓住了問題的關鍵,其他一切則會迎刃而解。 既然如何。 生活中,若梁智基奏樂風格集團出現了,我們就不得不考慮它出現了...


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